Saturday 6 April 2013

Power politics vs. The Question of Birth Rights: Reflection on ODF and the fate of Oromia!

Last time, I briefly described about the political profile of ODF founder under this heading. Today, I will resume its political implication and interpretation. After many years of a political dilemma finally the ODF was born as a free and independent political party with a clear political agenda. No more political confusion and illusion but what does it mean for the Oromo and ODF? In my political view this has many implication we can see this from different perfective. As I have addressed in the first part of this article, a true son never ever betray his mother, I true father never ever compromise at the cost of his children and the birth of ODF is a sad and an insult for the Oromo people.

 For those who consciously understood the game of politics, it is nothing because it was there for many years, however for those who just innocently committed in facilitating and organizing the liberation of Oromia, it may hurt their feeling baldly, it may deteriorate the morale of freedom fighters, It may have a huge psychosocial implication and may further create a political apathy within the society. But still can’t deter or stop the movement of birth rights .The fight for birth rights is beyond a simple political calculation and no  power can stop it. Birth rights means a natural rights .It is indivisible, inalienable and universal rights regardless of race, religion, status, origin, and colour. Birth rights can be conceptualized in terms of political rights, cultural rights, economic rights, religious rights, and social rights. or we can also talk in terms of lowest level means right for what and to who such as students rights, women right, child right, workers rights, senior rights ,poor rights ,business people right  the list can go on and but of all the basic one is the political rights which engages the right to have a freedom of thought, expression, the rights to have a free political party ,the right to oppose or support, the right to elect , the right to be elected, the right to have freedom of association, the right to have freedom of media, the right to have freedom of free press, the right have own free country ,the right to have own flag and anthem , the right to have own official language  which is totally missing in case of  the Oromo people.

 We fight to have a free and independent Oromia and the ODF fights for the power and this is where we disagree with ODF. Politically, ODF founder have the rights to have their own opinion, ideology but not at the cost of their people or cost of sovereignty of the Oromia, This is a bad deal and indisputable as a philosopher Lenjiso and Mr. Ibsa Gutama have repeatedly argued in their interesting and inspiring online articles. They have well said and thank you again for their great ideas .They committed much of their time to provide us their valuable views.
Another area of argument is ODF founder and member are a liberal and believe in democracy. It is out there to democratize and change the political system of the Ethiopia Empire. They have an ability and skill but why can’t show us first within oromian before they do that .Democracy means a compromise, democracy means working together on common national interest,  and the ODF founder and member have the skill to do this but unwilling to work on their people. 

Democracy means taking the majority opinion, why the ODF promptly declared its political program without considering its political and social implication on the Oromo people as well as on their image or reputation? Should they follow a pillar of democracy they are our great great father, we fellow them, we listen to them, and they can be our model. Still they are our fathers and seniors but we oppose their wrong political action and decision that does not reflect the ideal principle of democracy on which the modern society depends. This is our differences and we fight for complete independent of Oromia and the ODF stands for power and status. 

We take decision at personal, group, societal and national levels and every decision we make or take has a dual purpose and has a risk. Importantly, whenever we play a game of politics we need to make a conscious political decision and I believe oromian need to think and rethinking in depth not to make an error like ODF. Any such bad and ill political decision will negatively affect our reputation in the face of the public and erode our credibility in the eyes of oromian and negatively damage our future fate or the fate of Oromia, The Ideal country that we love, the Ideal country that we want register and have seat in the United Nations. It will cost us both politically and economically. Whether we like it or not, any political activity, action and decision we make today will have immense impact on the fate Oromia. And any political decision we take today to support or work with ODF will be at the cost of those great great leaders heroin who fallen to decolonize Oromia and therefore, we need to think and decide in context of this frame work .We needs to refer the old file and record, we need to take time before we take a political decision. Thanks to ODF founder and member they taught us a beg thing .They politicized the question of justice. 

The fate of Oromo and Oromia is determined by our view and opinion and we need to stick to our ideal dream on which the Oromo freedom fighter was born. In this regard the judge and the boss is the Oromo people not ODF or any political party else. The decision we make today will be our record for tomorrow. The young generations will fellow and depend on what we teach them today. We need to ask, discuss and think consciously on this mater before we decide or take any action to support or oppose any political party that talk about the Oromo people. We can make differences in the fate Oromo people if and only If we took matter consciously and decided wisely otherwise we will play unfinished game like our senior politicians meant ODF.

Last but not least other possible political implication of ODF birth is the threat and challenge to ODF. This can be either within or outside. Form the experience it is hard to get along within ODF and there was missing a quality of working in team toward a common goal among ODF founder. Their political experiences show us that they had a problem of leadership for many years and there will be certainly no doubt that ODF primary bold challenges will be from its members. We knew each of the ODF founder with their title and political position and all of the ODF member’s held a key duty with in ex-OLF or in other party. They got a good chance, opportunities and support from the Oromo people. Oromo people love them and respect them. Oromo people listen to them but they failed to make difference in the life Oromo freedom fighter. They darken the history of the Oromo nation.  Every year a million of money collected to support the Oromo freedom fighter where did this money spend?  Should we have an independent auditor or made an investigation who is responsible for this public purse? Should this money allocated for the development projects it could make a great difference in the life of oromian. Can build a good school, hospital or whatever and can save thousands of life. Can ODF willing to talk about this political scandal and corruption? This is a big public purse abuse and very pressing issue economically and politically for the Oromo people. It seems easy or simply but a very serious matter that we need to put into account as far as we thinking about the fate of Oromia. To be continued

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