Sunday 15 September 2013

Peaceful Demonstration, Candle Light Vigil for Engineer Tesfahun Chemada and Kofale massacre by Oromo Youth Association in Norway

norwayOn September 14, 2013 Oromo Youth in Norway protested against human rights violations and brutal killing by the dictator Ethiopian government. The main objective of the demonstration was to condemn the human right violation in Ethiopia and the ethnic based abuses as a result of which many Oromos are being arrested, tortured, killed, and thousands are disappearing. The trend of repression is increasing alarmingly and huge number of Oromos have been jailed, tortured and exposed to inhuman conditions under fabricated charges. The TPLF/EPRDF leadership has a standing policy of protracted attack against the Oromo people irrespective of age, sex, profession and occupation. To criminalize Oromo, being only Oromo is enough in Ethiopia.
Among the recent victims is Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda who died in kaliti prison, the massacred Muslim Oromos in Kofale and the genocide against Oromos in Anniyyaa, Oromia.
According to Amnesty International, the Ethiopian regime stifled freedom of expression, severely restricting the activities of the independent media, political opposition parties and human rights organizations. Dissent was not tolerated in any sphere. The authorities imprisoned actual and perceived opponents of the government. Peaceful protests were suppressed. Arbitrary arrests and detention were common, and torture and other ill-treatment in detention centers were rife. Forced evictions were reported on a vast scale around the country.

Among the recent victims is Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda who died in kaliti prison, the massacred Muslim Oromos in Kofale and the genocide against Oromos in Anniyyaa, Oromia.
According to Amnesty International, the Ethiopian regime stifled freedom of expression, severely restricting the activities of the independent media, political opposition parties and human rights organizations. Dissent was not tolerated in any sphere. The authorities imprisoned actual and perceived opponents of the government. Peaceful protests were suppressed. Arbitrary arrests and detention were common, and torture and other ill-treatment in detention centers were rife. Forced evictions were reported on a vast scale around the country.
–Full Report in PDF

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