Tuesday 24 September 2013

Azeb Mesfin arrest imminent

azeb_mesfinSeptember 24, 2013
Azeb Mesfin, the widow of Ethiopia’s deceased dictator, is facing multiple charges of corruption and her arrest is imminent unless she leaves the country, according to Ethiopian Review sources in Addis Ababa.
Political and business associates of Azeb Mesfin are dropping like flies. The biggest one to fall was Gebrewahid WoldeGiorgis, a senior official, who was charged with stealing over one hundred million Birr. Others are leaving the country with their families. Since May 2013, over 50 high profile TPLF officials and businessmen have been arrested on charges of corruption. All of them are associates and partners of Azeb.
Azeb, also known as, the Mother of Corruption, is currently being protected by Abay Woldu, chairman of the ruling Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF), and Bereket Simon, former propaganda chief, but both Abay and Berket are being marginalized, and Abay is fighting to maintain his diminishing authority over TPLF.

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