Monday 26 August 2013

Qeerroo: The Murder of Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda Will Not Be a Solution to the Pressing Problem of the Ethiopian Empire

August 26, 2013 at 8:43 pm ·

Statement from Qeerroo, the National Youth Movement for Freedom and Democracy.
The Murder of Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda Will Not be a Solution to the Pressing Problem of the Ethiopian Empire
Press Release of the Qeerroo Movement
The coldblooded killing of Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda while in prison is a clear show of the utter disrespect the TPLF has for the Oromo people.
Since its fall under the Habesha colonial hegemony, there was no time when the Oromo stopped its struggle. On the other hand, the TPLF/EPRDF leadership has sustained a protracted and targeted attack against the Oromo of all walks of life (elders, teachers, students, farmers, public servants, merchants and others), and it appears that the only crime is their identity to be an Oromo. Countless number of Oromos have since been exiled, displaced, robbed, imprisoned under fabricated charges and exposed to other inhuman treatments.

While the trend of repression is accelerating, the senseless and inhuman acts of the government have continued unabated. On the same development, today August 24, 2013, we have received one of the saddest news that Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda was murdered in Kalitti prison after serving 7 years in dark room. Nevertheless, we would like to remind the Woyane government that, even if Engineer Tasfahun was killed, it is impossible to kill the struggle of the Oromo people.
Due to the severe torture and mistreatment he had sustained, Tesfahun’s repeated request to the TPLF prison officials for a medical attention has ended up on deaf ear and forced to live with his anguishing pains. It has become very normal for the TPLF government to target, hunt down highly qualified Oromo elites and throw them in Kaliti prison; the deaths of students Alemayo Gerba and Gadisa Hiphasaa, and now Tesfahun Chemeda while serving harsh prison terms will be remembered by the Oromo people with great pain and anguish.
The Ethiopian government is responding to the Oromo question in a brutal fashion and heavy handed measures, but these blind measures cannot save the regime from collapsing. Qeerroo strongly condemns this cowardly and brutal killing, and its history of atrocity will be kept for the regime to answer, sooner of later.
In this case, we urge all Oromo in and outside of the country to denounce the ongoing atrocity and to bring the ordeal of your people to the international community.
The struggle shall continue!
Victory to the Oromo People!
August 24, 2013

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