Tuesday 12 May 2015

OFC/Medrek Campaign Received by Another Huge Turnout in Dodola, Oromia (Photo Report)

Posted: Caamsaa/May 12, 2015 · Finfinne Tribune | Gadaa.com | Comments

The Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC/Medrek) campaign tour hascontinued in small and big towns in Oromia. Most recently, the campaign train made a stop at Dodola in central Oromia; yet again, the OFC rally drew a crowd of thousands of potential voters, who braved the constant harassment and intimidation of Ethiopia’s TPLF regime to express their solidarity with OFC/Medrek. It is to be noted that Dr. Beyene Petros of the Ethiopian Social Democratic Party (ESDP/Medrek) revealed once again the ongoing abuses by the TPLF regime on Medrek voters and candidates, as reported by OMN over the weekend.

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