Thursday 21 May 2015

Obbo Beqqellee Garbaa Beddellee Keessatti Humnoota Federaalaatiin Reebuu Isaanii Dubbatu

May 20, 2015 Oromia

Cover-300x165WASHINGTON DC (VOA Afaan Oromoo) — Itti-aanaa Dura-taa’aan Kongiresa Federaalawaa Oromoo obbo Baqqalaa Garbaa fi waahiloonni isaanii, eega torban tokkoo ti as Oromiyaa gama Dhihaa keessatti duula filannooo geggeessaa turan, kaleessa Bedele keessatti humnoota waraana Federaalaatiin qabamanii, reebichi fi hidhaan isaan mudachuu dubbatanii jiran. Akka Beqqelee Garbaa jedhanitti, kaleessa magaalaa Naqamtee irraa ka’anii, Beddellee keessa karawwan irra uummata dadammaqsataa dabruuf ennaa yaalaniiti, walga’iin guddaan Muummichi-ministaraa biyyattii faa irratti argaman waan achitti geggeessamaa tureef, humnoota Federaalaa karaa cufanii eegaa turaniin, hanga walga’iin sun xumuramutti akka eegan itti himame. Ennaa walga’ichi xumuramee, uummatni achi irraa dacha’uu jalqabu, “amma duula na filadhaa keessan geggeeffachuu dandeessu” – jedhanii, eyyamaniif – Poolisoonni Federaalaa sun.
9D86E3D7-DB38-436A-A7B8-C4A4683FA901_w640_r1_s“Ennaa nuti Sagalee guddiftuu keenya tottolfannee, dadammaqinsa filannoo sana labsachuu jalqabnu, uummatni walga’ii mootummmaa sana irraa deebi’aa ture cufti gara keenyatti dacha’e. Naannoo keenyatti walga’ee, jaalala isaa nuuf ibse. Asxaa keenya ol kaasee deggersa nuuf qabu beeksise” – ka jedhan – Obbo Beqqelee Garbaa, achii booda humnoonni Federaalaa, karaa duraan irraa dhorkanii turan irra akka deemanii dadammaqsachuu danda’an itti himuu isaanii dubbatu.

Friday 15 May 2015

The State Department alerts U.S. citizens travelling to Ethiopia


(The Stated Department of US) –The State Department alerts U.S. citizens residing in or traveling to Ethiopia of the upcoming elections scheduled for May 24, 2015. U.S. citizens are urged to exercise caution and remain abreast of the securitysituation throughout the electoral period. This Travel Alert expires on June 30, 2015.
The State Department recommends U.S. citizens maintain a high level of security awareness during the electoral period and avoid political rallies, polling centers, demonstrations, and crowds of any kind as instances of unrest can occur. Review your personal security plans; remain aware of your surroundings, includinglocal events; and monitor local news stations forupdates. Although there have been no specific incidents of violence targeting U.S. citizens, U.S. citizens are urged to exercise caution and stay current with media coverage of local events. Election results are scheduled to be announced June 22, 2015.
During previous elections, the Ministry offoreign affairs (MFA) required all diplomats and international organization staff living in Addis Ababa to receive an official pass from the MFA if they planned to travel outside of Addis Ababa during the election season. While not in effect this election,

Tuesday 12 May 2015

OFC/Medrek Campaign Received by Another Huge Turnout in Dodola, Oromia (Photo Report)

Posted: Caamsaa/May 12, 2015 · Finfinne Tribune | | Comments

The Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC/Medrek) campaign tour hascontinued in small and big towns in Oromia. Most recently, the campaign train made a stop at Dodola in central Oromia; yet again, the OFC rally drew a crowd of thousands of potential voters, who braved the constant harassment and intimidation of Ethiopia’s TPLF regime to express their solidarity with OFC/Medrek. It is to be noted that Dr. Beyene Petros of the Ethiopian Social Democratic Party (ESDP/Medrek) revealed once again the ongoing abuses by the TPLF regime on Medrek voters and candidates, as reported by OMN over the weekend.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Ethiopia: The Endless Violence against Oromo Nationals Continues


Fear of Torture
HRLHA Urgent Action
 For Immediate Release
May 7, 2015
Harassments and intimidations through arbitrary arrests, kidnappings and disappearances have continued unabated in Ambo and the surrounding areas against Oromo youths and intellectuals since the crackdowns of last year April, 2014, when more than 79 Oromos, mostly youths, were killed by members of the federalsecurity force.
According to HRLHA correspondents in Ambo, the majortarget of this most recent government-sponsored violence were Ambo University and high schools Oromo students in Ambo town. In this incident which started on April 20, 2015 more than 50 university and high school students were arrested; more than 20 were severely beaten by the security force and taken to Ambo General Hospital for treatment.
Although it has been difficult to identify everyone by their names, HRLHA correspondents have confirmed that the following were among the arrestees:
1Magarsa Mashsha AyyanaMStudent /Ambo University, health professional
2 Urgessa DananaMStudent, Rift Valley College
3Birehanu DiribaMTeacher, Rift Valley College
4Getachew Gadaa DerejeMStudent, Jimma University
5Tarku DebisaM
6Abdata OlansaM
7Marara TujubaM
8Homa Hundasa
9Argamsisa LenjisaMStudent, Ambo University 4thyear Engineering
10Obsa AbdissaMStudent, Liban Mecha school 9th grade
11Homa HundassaM
12Kumsa BayisaMStudent, Liban Mecha school 9th grade
13Tadesse SimeMStudent, Liban Mecha School 9th grade
14Daran DemisseMBusinessman Kebele 02, Ambo
15Amsalu MidhaqsaM
15Solomon AbebeMStudent, 10th grade
16Gamachu SiyumM
17Sisay LamessaM
18Misgana ChemedaM
19Geleta ChalumaM
20Chimidessa MutasaM
Those who were badly beaten and hospitalized in Ambo general Hospital: