Wednesday 27 March 2013


(OLF statement on the passing away of Jaarraa Abbaa-Gadaa)

March 4, 2013 

It is with enormous sorrow and grief that all Oromo nationals and friends in Oromia and beyond to hear that one of the great leaders of Oromo liberation struggle has passed away, after long time illness, while conducting resistance from exile. 

Jaarraa Abbaa-Gadaa's history is an integral part of the initiation of the Oromia-wide armed struggle for liberation. His arduous journey to launch armed struggle started from eastern Oromia, passing through the armed uprising in the southeast, Somalia, the Middle East, back to Somalia for five years incarceration in Somali prisons and back to eastern Oromia to realize the dream, which demonstrates a distinctive determination. His continued defiance of any pressure or temptation from governments and entities throughout the region and beyond, and his steadfast resolve in the principle he stood for to the last minute is something that all Oromo nationalists have to take as a reference.

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