Friday 6 February 2015

Call for All Oromo in Washington, DC Metropolitan Area

TPLF Messengers Led by Abbaa-Duulaa Gammadaa are in US for Lobbying Oromos.

It is to be recalled that tens of thousands of Oromo nationals in general and Oromo students in particular have been killed, arrested and severely tortured by the TPLF-led Ethiopian regime. The protests broke out in large scale and spread out throughout Oromia beginning the month of April, 2014.
The current TPLF led Ethiopian government is a minority regime that dehumanized the Oromo people; violated the basic human rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly; holding thousands of Oromo political prisoners in its notorious Maikelawi and many other official and secret detention centers without due legal process. It is displacing millions of Oromo farmers from their land in the name of master plan development. The arrests and tortures of Oromos have continued unabated. Many of those who survived the torture still remain incarcerated. Furthermore, for example, very recently two Oromo farmers in Salale, district of Oromia, were brutally murdered and their bodies were dragged and put on public display for resisting oppression. Click this link for more (Two Oromo Farmers in Salale Brutally Murdered; Their Bodies Dragged and Put on Pubic Display for Resisting Oppression Against Tigrean Habesha Rulers [Viewer Discretion Advised: Graphic Photo]).
Such a barbaric action happened to Oromos in the present day while Abbaa-Duulaa is in ‘power’ representing OPDO as the speaker of the Federal House of Representatives. As a Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives, he could have used his power to set up a federal committee to investigate the mass killings of more than a hundred Oromo students and civilians. However, Abbaa-Duulaa Gammadaa has never done that. Instead, he was sent by the Tigrean/TPLF regime to tarnish the image of the peaceful protesters and branded them as “violent robbers.” Please refer to this links which show when TPLF soldiers were shooting Oromo university students:

Tigrean/TPLF messengers team led by Abbaa-Duulaa Gammadaa is in the US for the purpose of lobbying Oromo Diaspora and defend the regime’s genocide in Oromia. He is currently facing protests from Oromos. For example, this link shows the protest he faced in Minnesota while having dinner. (
We believe the Ethiopian/TPLF Embassy in Washington-DC may work hard to keep the arrival of Abbaa-Duulaa Gammadaa in Washington DC secret as much as possible in order to hide him and his team from a huge protest rally by members of the Oromo Community, whose sons, daughters, fathers, mothers etc were imprisoned, disappeared or killed by the orders of the Tigrean/TPLF regime.
Therefore, the Oromo Community Organization of Washington D.C. area (OCO), the Oromo Youth Self-help Association (OYSA), and the International Oromo Women’s Organization (IOWO) are making a call for against Abbaa Duulla. All Oromo of Washington D.C. Metropolitan area must be united once again to defuse the evil efforts of these OPDO, TPLF messengers by boycotting every single Oromo meeting they call; by exposing the dirty mission of the OPDO ‘delegates’ using different websites and social medias and inform concerned authorities of the US government and rights groups about the evil and fabricated mission of these groups sent by the minority Ethiopian/TPLF regime, that shall be held accountable at international criminal court for the grave human right abuse they have been committing against the Oromo people, by writing, calling or via email.
Best Regards,
Organizing Committee

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