Monday 15 December 2014

UPDATED PHOTO REPORT: Medrek’s Pro-Democracy & Pro-Justice Rally in Finfinne/Addis Ababa (Dec. 14, 2014)

Medrek, the ONLY Pro-Democracy and Pro-Justice Opposition Political Party in Ethiopia, held a rally in Finfinne/Addis Ababa on Dec. 14, 2014; the Medrek pro-democracy coalition includes: the Oromo Federalist Congress/OFC, the Sidama Liberation Movement/SLM, the Ethiopian Social Democratic Federal Party/ESDFP and others.
According to reports, thousands of rally goers chanted slogans in Afan Oromo, English and Amharic languages demanding the TPLF-led Ethiopian regime free Oromo political prisoners, journalists and other political prisoners. Some of the slogans included: “Free Bekele Gerba!” – “Free Oromo Students!” – “Stop Land-Grabbing” – and “Free Journalists!”
At the rally, senior leaders of Medrek gave rousing speeches; speakers included: Dr. Beyene Petros (the Coalition’s President), Mr. Bulcha Demeksa (Chairman Emeritus of the Oromo Federalist Congress/OFC – one of the political organizations in the pro-democracy Medrek), Dr. Merera Gudina (Chairman of OFC), Mr. Tilahun Endeshaw of the EthiopianSocial Democratic Federal Party/ESDFP, and Mr. Desta Dinka (Leader of the Medrek Youth League).

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