Tuesday 25 June 2013

Oromos seek justice in Ethiopia

Why is the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia also one of the most persecuted?

On Tuesday, June 25 at 19:30 GMT on The Stream, Aljazeera TV 
In USA, Eastern time:   3:30 PM 
Ethiopians belonging to the Oromia ethnic pray for the souls of 63 young Oromo men who died at sea while trying to cross illegally from Libya to Italian Lampedusa island the week before, at the UAE (United Arab Emirates) Red Crescent refugee camp near the border crossing with Libya at Ras Jdir, Tunisia, 15 April 2011. EPA/AMEL PAIN
The Oromo people make up about 40 per cent of Ethiopia’s population, yet face widespread discrimination and have long been targeted by the government. So what should be done to stop the marginalization of the Oromos and end Ethiopia’s internal ethnic divide?

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