Monday 20 July 2015


July 18, 2015 Oromia

oromostudents(Advocacy for Oromia) — The news item published on Advocacy for Oromia on July 9th saying “At least six Oromo university students were also among three journalists and two bloggers released from Ethiopian prison yesterday, according to various reports,” was incorrect as five of the six  students mentioned in the story are still in Qilinto, a prison in the outskirts of the city Finfinnee.   
It was reported in the news that  the freed Oromo university students include “Adugna Kesso, Bilisumma Dammana, Lenjisa Alemayo, Abdi Kamal, Magarsa Warqu, and Tofik Rashid.”  However, only the last,  Tofik Rashid, was released and the rest are still in Qilinto.
All were students who were arrested by security agents from various universities located in the Oromiya regional states. No charges were brought against many of them in the last year and three months.
The arrest of unknown numbers of Oromo University students followed a May 2014 brutal crackdown by the police against university students who protested when a master plan for the expansion of Addis Abeba, the city originally home to the Oromo, was introduced by the federal government.

President Obama’s Visit to Ethiopia is an insult to America’s Democratic Traditions

July 19, 2015 Human Rights

HRLHAJuly 18, 2015
An Open Letter to President Barak Obama on his Ethiopia Visit
Dear Mr. President Obama,
The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa wants to express its deep concern about what it regards as the wrong decision made by you and your staff in making a formal visit to Ethiopia in late July 2015. This will make you the first US leader to break the US promise not to reward dictators. History teaches us that the American constitution of 1787 is the world’s first democratic constitution, a landmark document of the Western World which  protects the rights of all citizens in the USA. The following examples show America’s great support of human rights:
During the First World War, America entered the war against Germany in 1917 to protect the world- as President Woodrow Wilson put it, “Making the World Safe for Democracy”.  Later, Eleanor Roosevelt, the widow of President Roosevelt and a human rights champion, drafted in 1948 an internationally accepted human rights bill, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These and other democratic activities have made America a champion of democracy all over the world that all Americans should be proud of.
Mr. President,
Your decision to visit human rights perpetrators in Ethiopia contradicts your country’s democratic tradition. It also disrespects the Ethiopian nations and nationalities who are under the subjugation of the EPRDF/TPLF government.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Ethiopians plunge local prison into Sh8m debt

July 18, 2015 Ethiopia

Some of the Ethiopians who were released from the Isiolo GK Prison after the High Court in Meru reviewed their sentences in the past. Isiolo Prison facing an Sh8 million debt in unpaid bills, thanks to an increase in Ethiopian inmates. FILE PHOTO | VIVIAN CHEBET | NATION MEDIA GROUP
Some of the Ethiopians who were released from the Isiolo GK Prison after the High Court in Meru reviewed their sentences in the past. Isiolo Prison facing an Sh8 million debt in unpaid bills, thanks to an increase in Ethiopian inmates. FILE PHOTO | VIVIAN CHEBET | NATION MEDIA GROUP
(Daily Nation) — Isiolo Prison facing an Sh8 million debt in unpaid bills, thanks to an increase in Ethiopian
Isiolo Prison facing an Sh8 million debt in unpaid bills, thanks to an increase in Ethiopian inmates.
Most of the foreigners have been arrested while on their way to Nairobi. Others are rounded up by police abandoned by people said to be helping them go to South Africa in search of jobs.
The prison is currently holding 80 Ethiopians who have been jailed for one year who are expected to in until April next year.
In March, 65 were released after staying at the facility for three month and were send back to Ethiopian. In December last year, 372 were released after a three-month jail term each.
Inmates get two meals a day. They consume 720kgs of maize flour each day.
This year alone, more than 400 Ethiopian immigrants have been arrested along the Moyale-Marsabit Isiolo road while on their way to Nairobi.

EPRDF Split Over Potential Intervention in Eritrea

July 18, 2015 EritreaEthiopia

Fact is the Ethiopian regime remains the Kernel of regional destabilization. Taking it’s capacity aside, the reckless saber-rattling against Eritrea should be condemned as failure to do so could have serious regional ramifications.
Fact is the Ethiopian regime remains the Kernel of regional destabilization. Taking it’s capacity aside, the reckless saber-rattling against Eritrea should be condemned as failure to do so could have serious regional ramifications.
(Tesfa News) — ACCORDING to government sources for African Intelligence desk, opinions within the ruling coalitionEthiopian People’s Revolutionary DemocraticFront (EPRDF) are divided about the possibility of a return to war or some kind of intervention against Eritrea – evidenced by the contradictions between Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, and the spokesman for the government, Getachew Reda.
Speaking to parliament on July 7th, PM Desalegn stated that if Eritrea did not cease its destabilizing activity, Ethiopia would be obliged to take direct military measures against the country.
The previous day, the government spokesman, who opposes intervening in Eritrea, had denied reports from the diaspora basedEthiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) concerning military operations against government troops in Tigray (northern Ethiopia) carried out in early July by combatants of an armed opposition movement based in Eritrea, known as the Arbegnoch Ginbot 7 for Unity and Democratic Movement (AGUDM).